Year 4

Welcome to Year Four's Class page! Here you will find out what we are learning about and some key information that should be useful!

 Please click this link to reach Year 4's Learning Page:  

Snowdrop Class 

Class teacher: 
Ms Kilner and Mrs Noack

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Elliott, M

 Mrs Phetnoi,

Mr Arafat, Mrs Yasmeen 

Wild Strawberry Class 

Class teacher: 
Miss Burrows

 Teaching Assistants: 

Mrs Elliott,

Mrs Phetnoi, 

Mr Arafat, Mrs Yasmeen 

Borage Class

Class teacher: 
Ms McGuinness

Teaching Assistants: 

Mrs Elliott, 

 Mrs Phetnoi,

Mr Arafat, Mrs Yasmeen 


Please look at our learning page, to see what we are getting up to this term and what we have just completed.

There are some really great resources out there to support well-being so if you are interested in accessing any of these, check out the links below.


This term, we are doing Hockey for outdoor P.E. balance and corrdination for indoor P.E

Indoor P.E. for each class is as follows:

Borage: Tuesday

Snowdrop: Tuesday

Wild Strawberry: Wednesdays


Outdoor P.E. for each class is as follows:

Borage: Wednesday

Snowdrop: Wednesday

Wild Strawberry: Monday


Please ensure your child brings in their PE kit for every lesson. Also if your child has long hair, please provide them with a hair band to wear during PE and we kindly ask them to not wear earrings. 

Homework and spellings:

Maths: It would be great if your child could practise their times tables at home. Each child will be given a login for Times Tables Rockstars which is a great online resource to help with this practise! 

Spellings: Each term your child will be given a list of spelling words to practise throughout the term. 


The Year 4 teachers love reading and we know our students do too! We aim to foster a love of reading. All children read regularly in school. They read as a class and individually in guided reading, once every 3 weeks one-to-one with an adult and we aim to give the children daily opportunities to read independently. We also share a class story at the end of every day linked to our topic.  Children have opportunities to change books regularly in school. We encourage children to discover books they enjoy, so if your child is a free reader, and is enjoying a particular novel at home, they are welcome to bring it to school to read during the day. When returning books from home, they must be put in to the 'returned books' box in each classroom before they get sorted and go back in the book corner. 

 Please follow this link to reach Year 4's Learning Page:

Learning Page