

2022-23 Year 4 Learning

Welcome to Year 4's Learning Page

Here, you will find out about all our magnificent learning and educational escapades! This year, we will be gathering knowledge on a diverse range of topics, producing creative and engaging pieces writing, securing our times tables and delving deeper into the world of problem solving!

There are some handy documents for you to view to give you a little more detail on our termly and yearly plans!


Year 4 Term 4 Newsletter

Here are a few links to websites for a range of English, maths  and other curricular activities which you can use to practise the skills we teach at school or even to just delve into other subjects!



Term 4 


St Vincent and the Grenadines 

In maths, we will work to develop our knowledge of area and perimeter. We will also develop our understanding of time including analogue, digital and 24 hour time. We will end the term learning about coordinates and translation.

In English, we will focus on the works of the brilliant poets Benjamin Zephaniah and Valerie Bloom. Additionally, we will read the story of Gregory Cool who visits the Caribbean island of Trinidad. We will compare life in the Caribbean with life in Bristol and write a persuasive brochure to convince the residents of St. Vincent to visit our brilliant city. 

This term, our Geography lessons will be based around the beautiful Caribbean islands of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. We will learn about the geographical location, the climate and the most important industries on these islands. We will also learn about La Soufrière - the active volcano on St. Vincent, and what it means to live on a volcanic island.



Term 3

Stone Age 

In maths we will learn all about fractions and decimals. We will deepen our understanding of equivalent fractions and fractions of amount, before moving on learn about tenths and hundredths. We will also develop our understanding of rounding by applying this to decimals and increase our ability to reason and problem solve through a variety of challenges. We will continue to practise our times tables are getting super speedy at these!

In English we will use some wonderful texts as inspiration for our own writing. We will begin by reading “Ug, boy genius of the Stone Age,” and create our own comic, as well as writing to Ug to tell him all about our lives in 2022. We will then go time travelling with the wonderful, “Stone Age Boy” and write our own time slip stories by developing characters, setting and plot. Next, we will use our Stone Age survival workshop as inspiration to create instructions for how to survive in the Stone Age. We will finish the term by once again travelling back to prehistoric times, following the journey of a pebble inspired by Meredith Hooper’s, “Pebble in my Pocket”. We will write poems full of figurative language and powerful adjectives.

In History, we will learn all about prehistoric Britain! We will improve our chronological understanding of prehistoric Britain by creating a time-line and look at their key inventions. We will look at a range of artefacts and develop our inference skills by identifying what they are and how they were used. We will then create our own research questions about the Stone Age, before carrying out research in groups on a variety of topics such as Stonehenge, jewellery and clothes.

In science we will learn all about animals and the digestive system. We will look at the key parts of the digestive system and also learn about the teeth of different animals. We will have the chance to make models of our own teeth and investigate the effect that different drinks might have on our teeth over time!



Term 2

Wonderful Wildlife


In English, our learning will be been based on the books Fantastic Mr Fox and The Wild Robot. We will write our own narratives all about Mr Fox breaking into Whitehall to steal food. We will also take part in debates and create some wonderful artwork. We will read a non-chronological report about the Arctic yeti and write about our own imagined arctic creatures.  We will have a great time using persuasive techniques and language to create leaflets for the Wild Place Project.

In Maths this term, we will develop our knowledge and understanding of multiplication and division. We will focus on learning our times tables, using factor pairs and developing a range of mental strategies to help us multiply. We will also look at formal methods for multiplication and division such as the grid method and short division. We will develop our problem solving and reasoning skills through a range of Wonderful Wildlife inspired problems!

This term in Science, we will be learning about living things and their habitats. We will learn about the seven life processes that determine if something is a living organism, before moving on to look at different species of animal. We  will create classification keys to classify the species we found. We will learn about food chains and how one change in the food chain can impact all the other connected species. We finished the term looking at adaptations and creating our own creatures especially adapted to their environments.



Our Topic in Term 1 is: Quests and Conquests
The Saxons fight the Carolingians in open battle. by RobbieMcSweeney on  DeviantArt | Wojownicy, Powstaniec

We've had a fantastic term and we are so proud of the children for all their hard work and how well they have settled back to school!

In English, we explored different myths and legends involving quest such as Beowulf and Robin Hood. We looked at the skills need to create action, suspense and dialogue and used these in our own narratives. We then put together our own brilliant drama performances and enjoyed performing these to the class. We also created our own monsters, heroes and settings. We then focused on non-fiction and wrote our own information texts on the Anglo Saxons by researching and presenting on different topics.

In Maths, we began by recapping place value, developing our understanding of four-digit numbers. We used a range of practical resources and methods to explore the value of 4-digit numbers, ordering and comparing them. We explored negative numbers and rounding to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand. We also had fun playing rounding bingo. We then moved on to look at mental strategies and written methods in addition and subtraction before developing our estimation and checking strategies. 

In History, we learnt about the Anglo-Saxon period. We developed our understanding of chronology by looking at when in history the Anglo-Saxons controlled England. We looked at Anglo-Saxon invasions, settlements and kingdoms. We also looked at Anglo-Saxon traditions and ways of life as well as taking part in a fantastic Anglo-Saxon themed day. The children dressed up and took part in a range of art and craft activities. 

This term in Science, we learned about states of matter. We understood the properties of the three main states of matter: solid, liquid and gas. We planned and carried out lots of experiments to help us explore this topic further. For example, we tested which drink was the fizziest out of three options by weighing them all, shaking them to make them flat and then weighing them again. The difference in weight showed us how much carbon dioxide was in each drink to start with! We also learned about the processes of melting, freezing, evaporation and condensation through other fun investigations. Throughout all of our lessons, we have been practising the skills of making predictions, writing conclusions and ensuring that we are always conducting a fair test.