We are very proud of all our children and families at Whitehall and we strive to ensure that our school provides the best education for our children. This is reflected in not only our excellent end of key stage results but also in the following awards......
WE have been awarded the ECaR award which we're very proud of.
Every Child a Reader (ECaR) is a school wide early literacy strategy for raising attainment in Key Stage 1, through a layered approach to intervention, with Reading Recovery at the core.
The standard of the school's financial management was assessed and met the criteria within areas of the standard.
By meeting the standard the school is now able to achieve longer term improvement in financial management through targeted action planning.
Our school has achieved Artsmark status, demonstrating our commitment to providing outstanding arts and culture throughout the school.
The Bristol Healthy Schools programme is a long term initiative that helps children and their school to be healthy.
In July 2016, we were awarded with our 'Mayor's Award' for excellence as a Health Improving School.
The standard of the school's financial management was assessed and met in 2010. By meeting the standard the school is now able to achieve longer term improvement in financial management through targeted action planning.
Our school has been accredited as a Rights Respecting School. We have met the four standards needed to achieve this award.
Our school has the Bronze Award. The criteria focused on the Eco council holding regular meetings, creating an action plan to help improve the school environment and covering environmental issues within the curriculum.
Our school has the silver Bike It award. We have been a Bike It school for 3 years. We were awarded with silver because as a school we have continued to demonstrate our commitment to the ideals of the Bike It project.
Our school has met the criteria for the Sing Up Gold award. Our school has been recognised for it's ability to put singing across the curriculum in imaginative ways.