Welcome to Year Three's class page! Here, you will find out what we are learning about and some key information that should be useful!


Here, you will find out about all our magnificent learning and educational escapades!

We will be gathering knowledge on a diverse range of topics, producing creative and engaging pieces writing, securing our times tables and delving deeper into the world of problem solving!


Please click this link to reach Year 3's Learning Page


Peach Class


                   Class Teacher:

Mrs Sheppard and Mr Owen

Nectarine Class


Class Teacher: Miss Clark


Apricot Class


Class Teacher: Miss Lewis



 Other adults working in class:

Miss Elliott    Miss Sofia    Mrs Medj



Useful web links for Year 3 learning

Here are a few links to websites for a range of English, maths  and other curricular activities which you can use to practise the skills we teach at school or even to just delve into other subjects!




Times Tables: https://ttrockstars.com/

Hit the button (interactive maths game with quick fire questions on number bonds, times tables, doubling and halving, multiples and division facts). : https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


Activities: https://nrich.maths.org/










Each day your child will need to bring a named water bottle, a weather appropriate coat and a packed lunch (if they are not having one from the school kitchen).



PE will take place twice a week for each class with one indoor session and one outdoor session.  Please ensure your child has a full change of clothes suitable for physical exercise and trainers for each PE lesson. School PE kit is available to buy from the school office. Children are expected to dress appropriately for the weather. All long hair must be tied up and earrings removed or covered during all lessons. 

Peach Class: Monday Indoor & Friday Outdoor

Nectarine Class: Monday Indoor & Friday Outdoor 

Apricot Class: Tuesday Indoor & Thursday Outdoor 



Every week your child will be given spellings to practise and learn at home. We will go through the spellings in class so that they should be familiar with them and understand what they mean.

Image result for athletics



Alongside our key texts, we shall be reading a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts in our guided reading sessions. Children will also have 1:1 reading practice at least once every 3 weeks with an adult. Please try to listen to your child read daily, fill in their reading diary and ensure they bring their reading book to school every day.


Please click this link to reach Year 3's Learning Page