2024 - 25 Year 1 Learning

Term 4

This term our topic is Brilliant Birds! We will be learning about birds that live in our local environment and beyond. We will be investigating practical ways of encouraging bird life through our D&T and Science learning by designing and making bird boxes. In English, the children will be writing instructions for how to make a bird feeder and innovate the story ‘The owl who was afraid of the dark’ by our author of the term Jill Tomlinson. In Maths, we will begin by exploring numbers 11-20 as well as measuring objects in centimetres.

Take a look at our newsletter and overview below for more details on what we will be learning.

Term 4 newsletter


Term 4 overview


Term 3

This term our topic is Flying High and we will be learning about the evolution of flight and comparing the differences between flight in the past and the present. In English, the children will be focusing on Amelia Earhart and her journey across the Atlantic Ocean. In Maths, we will begin by learning about additive structures and then later in the term, we will focus on addition and subtraction facts within 10.

Take a look at our newsletter and overview below for more details on what we will be learning.

Term 3 newsletter


Term 2 overview


Term 2

This term our topic is Incredible Dinosaurs! In English, the children will be learning lots of facts about dinosaurs and writing their own fact files. As part of our experiential learning, the children will become palaeontologists for the day! In Maths, we will be focusing on numbers 1-10 and then we will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes and recognising them in different orientations.

Take a look at our newsletter and overview below for more details on what we will be learning.

Check back at the end of the term to see photos of what we’ve been up to!

Term 2 newsletter


Term 2 overview


Term 1

This term our topic is ‘Our World in Whitehall’ and the children will be learning about our local area.

In English, the children will be writing journal entries for our friend Travelling Ted and, as part of Black History Month, we will be writing descriptions based on characters from the books Handa’s Surprise and Anansi the Spider. In Maths, we will learn about place value focusing on tens and ones as well as comparing numbers.

Take a look at our newsletter and overview below for more details on what we will be learning.

Check back at the end of the term to see photos of what we’ve been up to!

Term 1 - Our World in Whitehall


Term 1 overview
