Our School Uniform 

We wear our school uniform with pride here at Whitehall Primary and we ask for all children to be in the correct uniform so each child looks smart when representing our school.

Grey or black trousers, skirt, shorts or pinafore

White polo shirt

A blue gingham dress (in the summer months)

Navy blue jumper or cardigan with the school logo

Black/ dark shoes

For P.E and games children should wear:

A green PE T-shirt with the school logo

Suitable shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms

Plimsolls or a pair of trainers 


Please can you make sure all clothes are labelled with your child’s name.

School jumpers and cardigans, as well as PE T-shirts and shorts can be purchased from the school office. See price list below.


If you wish to place an order for any uniform, please complete this order form and return it together with your FULL payment in an envelope to your child’s class teacher. Many thanks.

* cheques should be made payable to WPS Uniform Account *


Below is an order form which helps to give you an idea of the cost and sizes that the jumpers and cardigans are available in.


Our School Uniform 

We wear our school uniform with pride here at Whitehall Primary and we ask for all children to be in the correct uniform so each child looks smart when representing our school.

Grey or black trousers, skirt, shorts or pinafore

White polo shirt

A blue gingham dress (in the summer months)

Navy blue jumper or cardigan with the school logo

Black/ dark shoes

For P.E and games children should wear:

A green PE T-shirt with the school logo

Suitable shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms

Plimsolls or a pair of trainers 


Please can you make sure all clothes are labelled with your child’s name.

School jumpers and cardigans, as well as PE T-shirts and shorts can be purchased from the school office. See price list below.


If you wish to place an order for any uniform, please complete this order form and return it together with your FULL payment in an envelope to your child’s class teacher. Many thanks.

* cheques should be made payable to WPS Uniform Account *


Below is an order form which helps to give you an idea of the cost and sizes that the jumpers and cardigans are available in.


Our School Uniform 

We wear our school uniform with pride here at Whitehall Primary and we ask for all children to be in the correct uniform so each child looks smart when representing our school.

Grey or black trousers, skirt, shorts or pinafore

White polo shirt

A blue gingham dress (in the summer months)

Navy blue jumper or cardigan with the school logo

Black/ dark shoes

For P.E and games children should wear:

A green PE T-shirt with the school logo

Suitable shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms

Plimsolls or a pair of trainers 


Please can you make sure all clothes are labelled with your child’s name.

School jumpers and cardigans, as well as PE T-shirts and shorts can be purchased from the school office. See price list below.


If you wish to place an order for any uniform, please complete this order form and return it together with your FULL payment in an envelope to your child’s class teacher. Many thanks.

* cheques should be made payable to WPS Uniform Account *


Below is an order form which helps to give you an idea of the cost and sizes that the jumpers and cardigans are available in.


Our School Uniform 

We wear our school uniform with pride here at Whitehall Primary and we ask for all children to be in the correct uniform so each child looks smart when representing our school.

Grey or black trousers, skirt, shorts or pinafore

White polo shirt

A blue gingham dress (in the summer months)

Navy blue jumper or cardigan with the school logo

Black/ dark shoes

For P.E and games children should wear:

A green PE T-shirt with the school logo

Suitable shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms

Plimsolls or a pair of trainers 


Please can you make sure all clothes are labelled with your child’s name.

School jumpers and cardigans, as well as PE T-shirts and shorts can be purchased from the school office. See price list below.


If you wish to place an order for any uniform, please complete this order form and return it together with your FULL payment in an envelope to your child’s class teacher. Many thanks.

* cheques should be made payable to WPS Uniform Account *


Below is an order form which helps to give you an idea of the cost and sizes that the jumpers and cardigans are available in.
