Welcome to Year 2's Learning Page
Here, you will find out about all our magnificent learning and educational escapades!
We will be gathering knowledge on a diverse range of topics, producing creative and engaging pieces of writing and delving deeper into the world of problem solving!
Have a read at our termly plans.
Term 3
This term our topic is A Journey into Space! The children will do a deep dive into the history of space flight looking at the space race and key contributors such as Neil Armstrong and Katherine Johnson with an exciting visit from Space Odyssey to really immerse children in the topic. In English, the children will be inventing their own space stories after reading the wonderful story of Beegu and writing exciting non-fiction persuading readers to visit the moon! In maths, we will continue to cover multiplication and lead onto division.
Check back at the end of the term to find out more and see photos of what we've been up to!
Term 3 Newsletter
Term 3 Overview
Term 2
This term, our topic is Superheroes! On Monday, 11th November, we’ll be celebrating with a 'Superhero Day,' where the children can come dressed as their favourite superhero. During the day, they’ll have the opportunity to design and create their own superhero badges.
In English, we’ll be reading several superhero-themed books to inspire our writing, including Traction Man and Nat Fantastic. In Maths, our focus will be on addition, subtraction, and multiplication, along with strengthening our number facts to support mental maths strategies.
For History, we’ll be learning about the Great Fire of London and revisiting fire safety rules. Amidst all the fun, we’ll also be preparing for our Nativity play and taking part in lots of Christmas activities.
Term 2 Overview
Term 2 Newsletter
Here's some of what we've been up to in Term 2!
Superhero Day
Superhero Day was a success and the children enjoyed the DT lessons, which involved researching, designing and making their own eco-friendly badges. We were so proud of their sewing skills and were grateful for all the adults who came to help.
Black History Month
For Black History Month this year we took part in an amzazing variety of activities to celebrate African Caribbean culture. Our beautiful headdresses were a hit!
Term 1
This term our topic is Our Wider World! The children will learn about the different continents, the seven oceans and how our actions impact our planet. In English, the children will be learning about Arctic animals, writing information texts and learning about Mary Seacole as part of our Black History Month. In maths, we will be covering place value and securing our number facts.
Check back at the end of the term to find out more and see photos of what we've been up to!
Here's what we've been up to in term 1!
This term has been very exciting and so much fun!
Our WOW world day was a super day for everyone! We took part in a variety of activities all with sustainability in mind. We cooked a dish using using sustainable ingredients, followed by making seed bombs to help us learn about replenishing the resources that we take from the Earth. Finally, we exercised our recycling skills and made items from recycled junk.
In English, we have been studying endangered polar animals and learned many fascinating facts about blue whales and polar bears. We then wrote fantastic informational texts all about them! Did you know that a blue whale's heart can be as large as a car? We also imagined exploring the Arctic and discovering a mythical polar creature, which we wrote incredible reports on.
Additionally, we have been learning about the inspiring life of Mary Seacole in celebration of Black History Month. We envisioned what a day in her life during the Crimean War might have been like and wrote diary entries from her perspective. What an amazing woman!
We also had the pleasure of welcoming Richard, a volunteer from Greenpeace, who spoke to the children about endangered animals. The children learned how we can help protect the world’s orangutan population by choosing products made with sustainably sourced palm oil.
We have been learning all about the continents of the world in geography and finding out about the 7 wonders of the world. We have mapped the continents, the oceans and the equator and learnt where to find cold, temperate, warm and tropical climates and what sort of animals live there. In addition, we have been learning about compass directions and used them to direct our partners on a trip around the world!
We conducted an experiment in science to find out what plants really need to grow and made some very interesting discoveries! Did you know that a seed can germinate and grow without soil? We have grown our own sunflowers and French beans from seeds, found out about how plants spread their seeds and why leaves are green! We have been practising the scientific skills of observing, making predictions and thinking about ways to ensure a fair test.