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Term 6 Learning

Our topic for term 6 is MY WHITEHALL – a poignant look at the children’s time in primary school and a look to the future. The topic is designed to support the children with the transition to secondary school and the skills they may need to do that, like reading timetables and mapping routes to new schools.

During this term we will be working hard on our end of year production I’m an 11-year-old – Get me out of here! We will be working hard on learning our lines, set design and stage prompts. You will be invited to watch us perform this masterpiece before the end of term.  

We will look at some very varied pieces to inspire our writing this term and this will result in some fabulous fiction pieces and some thoughtful non-fiction too. Our first piece of writing this term takes inspiration from a short small project we will be embarking on. Designing our own lands, as real or as fantasy as the children like. They will then write a persuasive letter to encourage others to leave on their terra nova. 

In maths, the children will be consolidating all of the maths skills, subjects and learning that they have covered from this year and other years throughout the school. We will put this knowledge to the test by creating our own games with a mathematical focus.

In science this term we will explore electricity and focus on circuits. The children are going to love getting the circuit equipment out! They will draw out diagrams, create them repair errors and have lots of fun doing it. Everyone loves the electricity learning.

PSHE: the theme this term is Changing me. You will have had communication from the school regarding this topic and what teaching it includes. Please remember to speak to class teachers if there is anything you wish to discuss or concerned about.

In art & design we will be designing and making our own flags using sewing skills which we will research and develop. The flags will be unique to each child and represent their interests, values and personalities. A great keep sake to remind them of their time at Whitehall.

This term will also see Wellbeing Week, Arts Week & Sports Day so lots to look forward too.

PE: Outdoor PE this term will be Hockey and Indoor PE will be Dodgeball.

Foxglove: Monday indoor, Wednesday swimming.

Sea Holly: Thursday indoor, Friday outdoors.   

Thistle: Tuesday & Thursday afternoon indoor.

 Please read our Termly overview and Newsletter below to find out more information about how Term 6 will look as well as important reminders and key dates.

Key Dates for Term 6

Thurs 6th June – class photos

Weds 19th June – Sing Up Day

Sat 22nd June – Summer Fair

24 – 28th June – ARTS WEEK

Thurs 4th July – Polling Day (school closed)


10th July – Sports Day (afternoon for KS2)

Mon 15th July 2-3pm – Leavers’ Disco


Leavers’ Assembly Performances to Parents: Monday (9:30), Tuesday (9:30) and Weds (1:45)

Mon 22nd July – last day of term for pupils

 Secondary School Transition Days

These are the dates that we are aware of from secondary schools. If you have been told of other dates, please do attend these transition days:

3rd July – BBA, MET, City Academy, Montpelier, John Cabot(?)

4th July Cotham

9/10th July Chepstow




Term 6 Newsletter


Term 6 - Overview


Kingdom of Benin Map craft activity guide | Baker Ross

Term 5

Our topic for term 5 is THE KINGDOM OF BENIN a realm established in the forested region of West Africa. We know the children will love looking at the history of the Edo people, their art and culture.


We will look at some very varied pieces to inspire our writing this term and this will result in some fabulous fiction pieces and some thoughtful non-fiction too. Our first piece of writing this time takes inspiration from a short video called Rock-Paper-Scissors and enthuse us to create some independent writing. The rest of our writing will be linked to our topic, focusing on what it was like for children in the Kingdom of Benin.  Our class book wikk be The Children of the Benin Kingdom by Dinaj Orji.


In maths, the children will be consolidating all of the maths skills, subjects and learning that they have covered from this year and other years throughout the school. Once SATs are out of the way will we apply our mathematical knowledge to some different investigations.  


In history, we will be exploring the Kingdom of Benin between the years of 900-1600AD and look at how the area was governed, where it was, the art that was produced their and their trade links with different countries. 


Our science work focus on light and how it travels. We will investigate and identify different sources of light and what reflection means. We will be applying our knowledge and understanding to design and make working periscopes.


PSHE: the theme this term is relationships and will focus on the children’s relationships with each other, their families and what responsibility they have for keeping themselves safe online.


PE: Outdoor PE this term will be Hockey and Indoor PE will be Gymnastics! We will be making use of the full range of climbing frames in the old hall.


Foxglove: Monday indoor, Wednesday swimming.

Sea Holly: Thursday indoor, Friday outdoors.   

Thistle: Tuesday all afternoon with future stars.


Please read our Termly overview and Newsletter below to find out more information about how Term 5 will look as well as important reminders and key dates. 

SATs dates for term 5.

·        Monday 13th May: SPAG

·        Tuesday 14th May: Reading

·        Wednesday 15th May: Maths 1 (Arithmetic) and 2 (Reasoning)

·        Thursday 16th May: Maths 3 (Reasoning)



Term 5 newsletter


Term 5 - Newsletter


2023 - 2024 Year 6 Learning

Term 4

The children are going love looking at JOURNEYS in Term 4.

 Our writing and grammar this term will be based around a range of topics. This will include book and talent show reviews, discussions writing on The Windrush Generation, as well as celebrating 'World Book Day' with some excellent activities. Another of our key texts is the phenomenal "The Arrival" by Shaun Tan. A graphic novel which we will use to fill the children's minds with ideas of journeys and magical destinations whilst taking into account the difficulties people can face when moving away from their homes.  

In maths, we will start the term looking atr more statistics - intepreting and drawing pie charts as well as some problem solving questions with these in mind. We will begin to look at position and direction in shape and space finding the area and perimeter. We will then explore some ration, proportion and algebra. Our curriculum targets will focus on mental stratergies of calculation. There will be a storng focus on encoraging fluency through regular arthimetic activities throughout the term. 

Our topic in Term 4 is fosued on “Journeys.” Children will explore where people in Britain, and specifically Bristol, come from and the journeys that they took to get here - what their experiences were like and how they found the country they moved too. Children will learn about and celebrate the Windrush generation, especially from a Bristol perspective (including St Paul’s Carnival and the Seven Saints of St Paul murals).  We will also explore the Bristolian Somalian experiences using the resources from the Bristol Museum exhibition.

Our science work will continue to focus on “Exercise and Nutrition" which we started last term. Children have already used pulse meters to conduct an investigation into pulse rate and the effect of different variables. This term we will think about how nutrition affects our bodies and the impacts that can have. This ties in nicel with our PSHE work which is "Healthy Me" focusing on the impact of food on the body; the effects of substances on the body and behaviour and emotion and mental health.


PE: Outdoor PE this term will be Hockey and Indoor PE will be Gymnastics! We will be making use of the full range of climbing frames in the old hall.

Foxglove: Wednesday all afternoon

Sea Holly: Weds swimming and PE Thursday afternoon.  

Thistle: Tuesday all afternoon


Please read our Termly overview and Newsletter below to find out more information about how Term 4 will look as well as important reminders and key dates. 


Term 4 Overview


Term 4 Newsletter

Term 3 - World War 2

2023 - 2024 Year 6 Learning

Term 3

The children are going love looking at WORLD WAR 2 in term 3.

 Our writing and grammar this term will be based around our ‘WWII’ topic. We will be designing and advertising gas masks, writing in role as children during the Blitz and as evacuees, creating discussion texts about the pros and cons of evacuations, as well as writing time-slip stories set in World War 2 and beyond!

World War 2 is a huge topic, full of dates and interesting facts. We will be looking at some of the key dates and events of the war and focusing on the lives of ordinary people during those historical times. We will focus on the evacuees and what kind of stories and experiences those children lived through. We will end the term with a VE-Day party, where children will make and enjoy WW2 celebration food! This will be Friday 9th February.


In maths, the children will be continuing their learning on shape, drawing and measuring angles and using angle facts. We will then be moving onto our main focus for the term where we will be learning about fractions, decimals and equivalents this term and its application in problem solving. Maths targets will support this by concentrating on calculations involving fractions.


Our theme in Art this term is ‘World War 2 Art and Artists’. The children will learn about a variety of artists and how life was documented in WW2.


Our ‘Exercise and Nutrition’ unit will allow the children to identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood; recognise the impact of diet, exercise, and lifestyle on the way their bodies function; and describe the ways in which nutrients are transported in the body.

Our topic in R.E. this term will be Creation and Science. Children will look at the Genesis story and what it might mean for Christians, showing awareness of different interpretations. 

Please read our Termly overview and Newsletter below to find out more information about how Term 2 will look


Term 3 Overview


2023-24 Year 6 Learning

Term 2 - Extreme Earth

Seven of the Most Extreme Places to Visit on Earth | SUITCASE Magazine

Term 2

The children are going love looking at EXTREME LANDSCAPES in term 2. 

We will be learning about different environments and what it takes to survive in them. We will be looking at mountains, deserts, tundras and volcanos. This will give us the information we need to design and make our own model volcanos towards the end of term.

In Science, the children will look at classification. We will explore the different ways of classifying all the living things on this planet, before embarking on a classification experiement of our own using particularly tasty test subjects. We will link our learning between geography and science by asking questions about how different animals might have adapted to their environments (linking to our topic from last term) and how that might change how they are classified. 

In R.E we will continue to look at the religion of Hinduism focusing on the different celebrations Hindu's hold throughout the year. We will visit the Bristol Mandir to explore a Hindu temple with our own eyes.


Please read our Termly overview and Newsletter below to find out more information about how Term 2 will look

Term 2 Overview


2023-24 Year 6 Learning

Term 1 - Our Island's Coasts

Image result for jurassic coast



Term 1

The children have really enjoyed our topic of COASTS this term. 

We were learning about coastal management and designed our own sea defences by using our knowledge of how coastlines are transformed by the natural processes such as erosion and deposition.   In Science, children pieced together evidence from pre-historic fossils and followed Charles Darwin's voyage of discovery on the Beagle. Each class learnt about Mary Anning and the fossil discoveries that she made along the Lyme Regis - Charmouth coast. We really enjoyed a fantastic day in Charmouth fossil hunting with expert Ed Drewitt.  Children were hunting for ammonites, belemnites and learning about how they are made.  

Our author focus for term 1 one was Benjamin Zephaniah.  The children loved this author and reading his poems.

We will be reading the Windrush Child:


Please read our Termly overview and Newsletter below to find out more information about how Term 1 will look


Term 1 Overview


Term 1 Newsletter


Useful web links for Year 6 learning and revision:

SATs practice papers


Access to previous SATs papers (reading, SPAG and maths):



 SATs-style maths practice papers:





English/SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar)


National Curriculum definitions of grammatical terms which will appear in homework and class learning:



National Curriculum spelling patterns and statutory words lists (giving examples of spelling patterns we will teach and the type of words the SATs will test):



Summaries, examples and teaching videos of key grammatical terms:



Selection of games for revision:





Summaries, examples and teaching videos of mathematical terms:



Wide range of resources – from games to teaching aids and tests:




Maths arithmetic practice:



Small range of memory matching games:



Really good web site (with lots of visual aids to help understand tricky concepts); it is American but, while not a direct match to the National Curriculum for Year 6, the ‘Grade 5’ learning and games would be a match for age – and you could always look at ‘Grade 4’ or 'Grade 6' to support/stretch as appropriate:



Web site designed more for teachers, and includes lots of concepts aimed at secondary-age learning. However, there are some useful tools which show models and images that might help your child’s understanding if something is proving tricky to understand:
