Welcome to Year 3's Learning Page

Here, you will find out about all our magnificent learning and educational escapades!

We will be gathering knowledge on a diverse range of topics, producing creative and engaging pieces writing, securing our times tables and delving deeper into the world of problem solving!



Term 6 Looking After Our Natural World.pdf .pdf
Term 6 newsletter.pdf .pdf

This term we will be reading all about ‘The mother of Trees’ Wangari Maathai who planted over 30 million trees in Kenya. We will be comparing a variety of conservation fiction stories before writing our own. Finally, we will read all about fictional blogger ‘Hope Jones’ who aims to save the world by eliminating plastic from her life.


Maths In Term 6 we will be a variety of areas which we have taught throughout the year.  We will be revisiting the four operations, Fractions, measurement, Properties of Shape along with statistics.  It would really help if the children could practise their times tables over the half term break and practise telling the time for to and past the hour. 


This term the children will be continuing their learning about plants. We will be recapping our knowledge from Year 2 of what plants need to live and grow and we will be conducting experiments to investigate how the competition for resources effects growth as well as investigate the different needs for different plants. We will also be setting up an observation to see how water travels through a plants.

Term 5 newsletter.pdf .pdf
Ancient Egyptians - Term 5 2023.pdf .pdf
Ancient Egyptian Homework Tasks.pub .pub
New spelling homework 2024 term 5.pdf .pdf

In literacy this term, we will be looking at Egyptian myths, legends and traditional tales. Our author of the term is Shirley Climo. We will be looking at one of her books, The Egyptian Cinderella, as a stimulus for children to have a go at writing their own tales. We will also be writing information texts about the Ancient Egyptians.


In maths, this term, we will be continuing with understanding the relationship between the 2 and 4times tables and introducing how they relate to the 8 times tables. We will then recap our column addition to then introduce column subtraction. For the later half of the term , we will be studying unit fractions.


This term the children will be learning about plants. We will learn to identify and describe the function of different parts of the plants and explore what is needed for plants to grow. We will also be learning about the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.

Term 4 Events


Term 4 Overviews and Newsletter

Term 4 - Overview Food Around the World .pdf .pdf
Term 4 newsletter 2024.pdf .pdf


The author for this term will be Zanib Mian and our key texts will be George’s Marvellous Medicine and Revolting Rhymes by Roald Dahl. In our writing we will be creating some of our own revolting recipes, inventing stories and also fact files.



We will carry on with Mental addition and subtraction. We will then introduce column addition as a written calculation method. Later in the term, we will go over the relationship between 2 timestables and 4s and 8s. 



In Geography, we will be learning about where all our food comes from and how climate affect where the food is grown. We will also investigate where does the UK export food go and what does the term Fairtrade means as well as how does it relate to global food trade. 



We will be delving into the world of the Elizabethan’s through our key texts, poetry and plays. The children will practise skills relating to creating characters, settings and plots, leading to them writing their own stories. We will be focusing on sentence structure, punctuation and editing for our curricular target. We will also be writing non-fiction texts about The Globe Theatre and other parts of Elizabethan life.



In Maths, we will be doing measurements (length, capacity and mass.). We will also be learning about triangles and quadrilaterals and identifying vertices and  right angles.




This term, we will be answering questions through investigations and experiments: 


How do surfaces affect how things move?

How do different forces move objects?

How can we use magnets to sort materials?

Does the sixe of the magnet affect how strong it is?

How can we use magnets? Who are scientists?

How do scientists share their ideas and develop more questions?


Year 3 had a DT day where we spent planning and designing a Viking house by looking at 3D shapes and nets. We then moved on to making the Viking house model where we got to used tools such as saws and glue guns. Of course, we’d like to say thank you to the parents who volunteered to spend their time in assisting the children and for helping us gather the materials needed for us to make our model. Finally, we had a chance to reflect and discuss what went well and what we could do next time as part of the evaluation process in Design and Technology.


Term 2 Newsletter



In Literacy, we are learning about how to be a viking, retelling the story of Ice Palace, research and writing about a Viking God and writing an instructions on how to build a Viking house.



At the start of the term, we will be continuing to use our new vocabulary of addends, minuends and subtrahends. We will then deepen our understanding of place value and numbers to 1,000: applying these to measure. We will be furthering our knowledge and recall of multiples of 10 and 100 to add and subtract.



Science teaches us all about one of the most influential female scientists of our time. Mary Anning. We will be studying different soils and rocks and conducting experiments. We will learn all about different types of fossil and how they are formed. We will also learn about different types of rock.

Term 2 Homework Activity


Spelling Term 2


Water Lily Class: Dragon Egg

Heather Class


In maths, we will be adding and subtracting across 10. We will also be comparing numbers based on thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. We will also be revisiting our 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.


In science we are going to be investigating the wonderful world of light. We will be finding out all about light sources and tracking our shadows around the playground at different times of the day.


Check back here in a few weeks to see photos of our learning journey... 

Welcome to Year 3's Learning Page

Here, you will find out about all our magnificent learning and educational escapades!

We will be gathering knowledge on a diverse range of topics, producing creative and engaging pieces writing, securing our times tables and delving deeper into the world of problem solving!



Term 6 Looking After Our Natural World.pdf .pdf
Term 6 newsletter.pdf .pdf

This term we will be reading all about ‘The mother of Trees’ Wangari Maathai who planted over 30 million trees in Kenya. We will be comparing a variety of conservation fiction stories before writing our own. Finally, we will read all about fictional blogger ‘Hope Jones’ who aims to save the world by eliminating plastic from her life.


Maths In Term 6 we will be a variety of areas which we have taught throughout the year.  We will be revisiting the four operations, Fractions, measurement, Properties of Shape along with statistics.  It would really help if the children could practise their times tables over the half term break and practise telling the time for to and past the hour. 


This term the children will be continuing their learning about plants. We will be recapping our knowledge from Year 2 of what plants need to live and grow and we will be conducting experiments to investigate how the competition for resources effects growth as well as investigate the different needs for different plants. We will also be setting up an observation to see how water travels through a plants.

Term 5 newsletter.pdf .pdf
Ancient Egyptians - Term 5 2023.pdf .pdf
Ancient Egyptian Homework Tasks.pub .pub
New spelling homework 2024 term 5.pdf .pdf

In literacy this term, we will be looking at Egyptian myths, legends and traditional tales. Our author of the term is Shirley Climo. We will be looking at one of her books, The Egyptian Cinderella, as a stimulus for children to have a go at writing their own tales. We will also be writing information texts about the Ancient Egyptians.


In maths, this term, we will be continuing with understanding the relationship between the 2 and 4times tables and introducing how they relate to the 8 times tables. We will then recap our column addition to then introduce column subtraction. For the later half of the term , we will be studying unit fractions.


This term the children will be learning about plants. We will learn to identify and describe the function of different parts of the plants and explore what is needed for plants to grow. We will also be learning about the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.

Term 4 Events


Term 4 Overviews and Newsletter

Term 4 - Overview Food Around the World .pdf .pdf
Term 4 newsletter 2024.pdf .pdf


The author for this term will be Zanib Mian and our key texts will be George’s Marvellous Medicine and Revolting Rhymes by Roald Dahl. In our writing we will be creating some of our own revolting recipes, inventing stories and also fact files.



We will carry on with Mental addition and subtraction. We will then introduce column addition as a written calculation method. Later in the term, we will go over the relationship between 2 timestables and 4s and 8s. 



In Geography, we will be learning about where all our food comes from and how climate affect where the food is grown. We will also investigate where does the UK export food go and what does the term Fairtrade means as well as how does it relate to global food trade. 



We will be delving into the world of the Elizabethan’s through our key texts, poetry and plays. The children will practise skills relating to creating characters, settings and plots, leading to them writing their own stories. We will be focusing on sentence structure, punctuation and editing for our curricular target. We will also be writing non-fiction texts about The Globe Theatre and other parts of Elizabethan life.



In Maths, we will be doing measurements (length, capacity and mass.). We will also be learning about triangles and quadrilaterals and identifying vertices and  right angles.




This term, we will be answering questions through investigations and experiments: 


How do surfaces affect how things move?

How do different forces move objects?

How can we use magnets to sort materials?

Does the sixe of the magnet affect how strong it is?

How can we use magnets? Who are scientists?

How do scientists share their ideas and develop more questions?


Year 3 had a DT day where we spent planning and designing a Viking house by looking at 3D shapes and nets. We then moved on to making the Viking house model where we got to used tools such as saws and glue guns. Of course, we’d like to say thank you to the parents who volunteered to spend their time in assisting the children and for helping us gather the materials needed for us to make our model. Finally, we had a chance to reflect and discuss what went well and what we could do next time as part of the evaluation process in Design and Technology.


Term 2 Newsletter



In Literacy, we are learning about how to be a viking, retelling the story of Ice Palace, research and writing about a Viking God and writing an instructions on how to build a Viking house.



At the start of the term, we will be continuing to use our new vocabulary of addends, minuends and subtrahends. We will then deepen our understanding of place value and numbers to 1,000: applying these to measure. We will be furthering our knowledge and recall of multiples of 10 and 100 to add and subtract.



Science teaches us all about one of the most influential female scientists of our time. Mary Anning. We will be studying different soils and rocks and conducting experiments. We will learn all about different types of fossil and how they are formed. We will also learn about different types of rock.

Term 2 Homework Activity


Spelling Term 2


Water Lily Class: Dragon Egg

Heather Class


In maths, we will be adding and subtracting across 10. We will also be comparing numbers based on thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. We will also be revisiting our 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.


In science we are going to be investigating the wonderful world of light. We will be finding out all about light sources and tracking our shadows around the playground at different times of the day.


Check back here in a few weeks to see photos of our learning journey... 

Welcome to Year 3's Learning Page

Here, you will find out about all our magnificent learning and educational escapades!

We will be gathering knowledge on a diverse range of topics, producing creative and engaging pieces writing, securing our times tables and delving deeper into the world of problem solving!



Term 6 Looking After Our Natural World.pdf .pdf
Term 6 newsletter.pdf .pdf

This term we will be reading all about ‘The mother of Trees’ Wangari Maathai who planted over 30 million trees in Kenya. We will be comparing a variety of conservation fiction stories before writing our own. Finally, we will read all about fictional blogger ‘Hope Jones’ who aims to save the world by eliminating plastic from her life.


Maths In Term 6 we will be a variety of areas which we have taught throughout the year.  We will be revisiting the four operations, Fractions, measurement, Properties of Shape along with statistics.  It would really help if the children could practise their times tables over the half term break and practise telling the time for to and past the hour. 


This term the children will be continuing their learning about plants. We will be recapping our knowledge from Year 2 of what plants need to live and grow and we will be conducting experiments to investigate how the competition for resources effects growth as well as investigate the different needs for different plants. We will also be setting up an observation to see how water travels through a plants.

Term 5 newsletter.pdf .pdf
Ancient Egyptians - Term 5 2023.pdf .pdf
Ancient Egyptian Homework Tasks.pub .pub
New spelling homework 2024 term 5.pdf .pdf

In literacy this term, we will be looking at Egyptian myths, legends and traditional tales. Our author of the term is Shirley Climo. We will be looking at one of her books, The Egyptian Cinderella, as a stimulus for children to have a go at writing their own tales. We will also be writing information texts about the Ancient Egyptians.


In maths, this term, we will be continuing with understanding the relationship between the 2 and 4times tables and introducing how they relate to the 8 times tables. We will then recap our column addition to then introduce column subtraction. For the later half of the term , we will be studying unit fractions.


This term the children will be learning about plants. We will learn to identify and describe the function of different parts of the plants and explore what is needed for plants to grow. We will also be learning about the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.

Term 4 Events


Term 4 Overviews and Newsletter

Term 4 - Overview Food Around the World .pdf .pdf
Term 4 newsletter 2024.pdf .pdf


The author for this term will be Zanib Mian and our key texts will be George’s Marvellous Medicine and Revolting Rhymes by Roald Dahl. In our writing we will be creating some of our own revolting recipes, inventing stories and also fact files.



We will carry on with Mental addition and subtraction. We will then introduce column addition as a written calculation method. Later in the term, we will go over the relationship between 2 timestables and 4s and 8s. 



In Geography, we will be learning about where all our food comes from and how climate affect where the food is grown. We will also investigate where does the UK export food go and what does the term Fairtrade means as well as how does it relate to global food trade. 



We will be delving into the world of the Elizabethan’s through our key texts, poetry and plays. The children will practise skills relating to creating characters, settings and plots, leading to them writing their own stories. We will be focusing on sentence structure, punctuation and editing for our curricular target. We will also be writing non-fiction texts about The Globe Theatre and other parts of Elizabethan life.



In Maths, we will be doing measurements (length, capacity and mass.). We will also be learning about triangles and quadrilaterals and identifying vertices and  right angles.




This term, we will be answering questions through investigations and experiments: 


How do surfaces affect how things move?

How do different forces move objects?

How can we use magnets to sort materials?

Does the sixe of the magnet affect how strong it is?

How can we use magnets? Who are scientists?

How do scientists share their ideas and develop more questions?


Year 3 had a DT day where we spent planning and designing a Viking house by looking at 3D shapes and nets. We then moved on to making the Viking house model where we got to used tools such as saws and glue guns. Of course, we’d like to say thank you to the parents who volunteered to spend their time in assisting the children and for helping us gather the materials needed for us to make our model. Finally, we had a chance to reflect and discuss what went well and what we could do next time as part of the evaluation process in Design and Technology.


Term 2 Newsletter



In Literacy, we are learning about how to be a viking, retelling the story of Ice Palace, research and writing about a Viking God and writing an instructions on how to build a Viking house.



At the start of the term, we will be continuing to use our new vocabulary of addends, minuends and subtrahends. We will then deepen our understanding of place value and numbers to 1,000: applying these to measure. We will be furthering our knowledge and recall of multiples of 10 and 100 to add and subtract.



Science teaches us all about one of the most influential female scientists of our time. Mary Anning. We will be studying different soils and rocks and conducting experiments. We will learn all about different types of fossil and how they are formed. We will also learn about different types of rock.

Term 2 Homework Activity


Spelling Term 2


Water Lily Class: Dragon Egg

Heather Class


In maths, we will be adding and subtracting across 10. We will also be comparing numbers based on thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. We will also be revisiting our 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.


In science we are going to be investigating the wonderful world of light. We will be finding out all about light sources and tracking our shadows around the playground at different times of the day.


Check back here in a few weeks to see photos of our learning journey...