Sustainability and Climate Change
At Whitehall Primary School, we believe that children have a right to learn about climate change and the impacts it might have on their future lives. We aim to provide opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of the importance of nature, sustainability and the causes and impact of climate change. This will allow them to access future opportunities in green careers if they so choose.
This web page will be updated as we begin our journey of sustainability.
Please see our Sustainability Policy and our Climate Change Action Plan below:
Sustainability and Climate Change
At Whitehall Primary School, we believe that children have a right to learn about climate change and the impacts it might have on their future lives. We aim to provide opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of the importance of nature, sustainability and the causes and impact of climate change. This will allow them to access future opportunities in green careers if they so choose.
This web page will be updated as we begin our journey of sustainability.
Please see our Sustainability Policy and our Climate Change Action Plan below: