2024 - 25 Year 6 Learning

Term 3 - World War 2

Primary History: WWII Lessons for Children (Wartime Posters) - Sally  Lloyd-Jones

The children are going love looking at WORLD WAR 2 in term 3.

 Our writing and grammar this term will be based around our ‘WWII’ topic. We will be designing and advertising gas masks, writing in role as children during the Blitz and as evacuees, creating discussion texts about the pros and cons of evacuations, as well as writing time-slip stories set in World War 2 and beyond!

Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll | Goodreads

Our class text will be the amazing story by Emma Carroll - Letters from the Lighthouse. A brilliant story set during World War 2 in which some children are evactuated to the South West from London and have lots of riddles to manage and adventures along the way. A great story and we can't wait to share it.

World War 2 is a huge topic, full of dates and interesting facts. We will be looking at some of the key dates and events of the war and focusing on the lives of ordinary people during those historical times. We will focus on the evacuees and what kind of stories and experiences those children lived through.  

In maths, the children will be continuing their learning on shape, drawing and measuring angles and using angle facts. We will then be moving onto our main focus for the term where we will be learning about fractions, decimals and equivalents this term and its application in problem solving. Maths targets will support this by concentrating on calculations involving fractions.

 Our theme in Art this term is ‘World War 2 Art and Artists’. The children will learn about a variety of artists and how life was documented in WW2.

 Our ‘Exercise and Nutrition’ unit will allow the children to identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood; recognise the impact of diet, exercise, and lifestyle on the way their bodies function; and describe the ways in which nutrients are transported in the body.

Our topic in R.E. this term will be Creation and Science. Children will look at the Genesis story and what it might mean for Christians, showing awareness of different interpretations. 

In PSHE we will be looking at the topic of Dreams and Goals. In this unit the children will explore what these terms means, why it is important to have a goal and how to break a goal down into meaningful and helpful steps. We will also look at what we can do to make a difference.

We are very excited to introduce a new topic in computing focusing on AI. We will look at AI and its basic functions and explore how it is used in everyday life. We will also discuss the key ethical dilemmas surrounding AI and the potential risks AI poses to our society. We are very excited to explore this new area with the children.

P.E. will be tag rugby outdoors and developing the social skills we need for sports in doors. Star Apple class will be swimming.

Please read our Termly overview and Newsletter below to find out more information about how Term 3 will look.


Term 3 - Newsletter 2025


Term 2 - Extreme Earth

The children are going to love looking at EXTREME LANDSCAPES in term 2. 

We will be learning about different environments and what it takes to survive in them. We will be looking at mountains, deserts, tundras and volcanoes. 

In Science, the children will look at classification. We will explore the different ways of classifying all the living things on this planet, before embarking on a classification experiement of our own using particularly tasty test subjects. We will link our learning between geography and science by asking questions about how different animals might have adapted to their environments (linking to our topic from last term) and how that might change how they are classified. 


Reading: Our class author for this term is Shakespeare. We will read a variety of his plays that have been adapted for childre. 


In R.E we will continue to look at the religion of Hinduism focusing on the different celebrations Hindu's hold throughout the year. We will visit the Bristol Mandir to explore a Hindu temple with our own eyes.


Please read our Termly overview and Newsletter below to find out more information about how Term 2 will look




Term 1 learning Overview


2024-2025  Year 6 Learning

Term 1 - Our Island's Coasts

Term 1

The children are going to love our topic of COASTS this term. 

We will be learning about coastal management and designed our own sea defences by using our knowledge of how coastlines are transformed by the natural processes such as erosion and deposition.   In Science, the children will piece together evidence from pre-historic fossils and follow Charles Darwin's voyage of discovery on the Beagle. Each class will learn about Mary Anning and the fossil discoveries that she made along the Lyme Regis - Charmouth coast. We have a fantastic day in Charmouth planned, fossil hunting with expert Ed Drewitt.  Children will hunt for ammonites, belemnites and learn about how they are made.  

Our author focus for term 1 one will be Benjamin Zephaniah when we look at his poems for Black History Month.