Our Vision & Values

Our Vision and Values – The Background

Staff, children, parents and governors contributed to the creation of our school vision. It sets out to what we want to achieve at Whitehall Primary School and explains the values that are important to us. We believe this statement underpins and drives all that we do at School.

 Our School Vision and Values

At the heart of Whitehall Primary School is a belief that school must be a place where everybody feels valued and respected.

We strongly believe that school must be a welcoming and caring place for all. We recognise that children, families, staff and the local community all have a crucial part to play in the success of the school.

We have a commitment to providing our children with a top quality education that is broad, balanced and fun. We believe in setting high expectations in all areas of school life to ensure that children have the opportunity to do their best.

By creating a safe and secure environment, we believe that our children are motivated to discover their talents, develop their interests and have the self confidence to become successful life long learners.

Our Good Behaviour Policy sets out the strategies we use to promote positive behaviour in order to ensure that ours is a school where everyone can learn and develop together.


Our 4 core values are: Pride, Perseverance, Care and Respect.

We focus on embedding these values with our children in assemblies and in our PSHE lessons. Children who demonstrate these values are recognised in our Celebration Assemblies and with VIP certificates. 
