PE and Sports at Whitehall

Statement of Intent

Our vision for PE at Whitehall Primary School is for all children to develop the knowledge and skills needed to establish and maintain a healthy lifestyle and a life-long love of physical activity. We believe that it is our responsibility to ensure that all children are physically active every day, whether through physical activity, P.E. lessons, break times or extra-curricular activities. We provide opportunities for children to participate in a wide range of physical activities and sports. We see participation in these activities as a way of increasing confidence, self-esteem and improving well-being which are essential for leading a happy and healthy life. We also believe that children should have the opportunity to compete in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities that build character and help to embed values such as team-work, fairness and respect which are skills that we want all our children to develop. At Whitehall we believe that all children have the right to be physically active and develop a love of physical activity regardless of previous experience, additional needs or existing opportunities outside of school.

During the school day the children are taught a variety of sports including basketball, hockey, cricket, tag rugby and swimming (Y4-Y6) at different times in the year. All year groups also have PE lessons inside once a week, following the Real PE scheme of work. This develops children’s basic PE skills and encourages the children to use these skills in games. 

We have also have an extensive range of after-school clubs. We have our popular boys football club for Year 3 and 4 and Year 5 and 6, a brilliant girls' football club, a mixed KS1 football club and our KS2 Athletics club all run by external, highly qualified coaches. 

Our PE curriculum has been designed by Real PE and the PE Hub, and adapted by our teachers and SL in line with the National Curriculum to ensure that children develop physical literacy across the school. Our high quality teaching and learning ensures children receive a broach, holistic approach which aims to develop the ‘whole child’. Our PE curriculum aims to ensure children: have fun and experience success in sport; have the opportunity to participate in P.E at their own level of development; secure and build on a range of skills; develop good sporting attitudes; understand basic rules; experience positive competition; learn in a safe environment; and have a foundation for lifelong physical activity, leaving primary school as physically active.


Pupils should develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They should be able to engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations.

By the end of KS1, all children will be able to:

·       master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities

·       participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending

·       perform dances using simple movement patterns


Pupils should continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. They should enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other. They should develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.

Pupils should be taught to:

-        use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination

-        play competitive games, modified where appropriate [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders and tennis], and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending

-        develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance [for example, through athletics and gymnastics]

-        perform dances using a range of movement patterns

-        take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team

-        compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.

Teachers ensure there is progression in physical literacy by using the Progression documents provided by Real PE and the PE Hub, which set out the objectives taught in each year group. Within each unit, pupils focus on a key ability (creative, cognitive, physical, social, personal, and health and fitness) that they need to successful within PE and Sport across the curriculum and this is threaded throughout the children’s indoor and outdoor sessions.  As well as learning broad range of skills needed to be successful in a variety of sports, children also learn the fundamental movement skills and these built upon in each year group using a coloured system.

Primary PE and Sport Premium from the Government

Purpose of funding:

Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this.


All pupils leaving primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.


To achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport in primary schools.

Indicators of such improvement to include:

There are 5 key indicators that schools should expect to see improvement across:

  • The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5 to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school
  • The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
  • Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
  • Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
  • Increased participation in competitive sport 

Here at Whitehall, we implemented the followed strategy for the 2022/23 academic year that fulfils all these five key indicators. Please click on the document to download as a PDF file.


Please see below for the evidence and impact of previous years' funding allocation.

Primary PE and Sport Premium Report 2023-24

PE_curriculum_map_2022_23.doc .doc
Physical_Education_Policy.docx .docx
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PE and Sports at Whitehall

Statement of Intent

Our vision for PE at Whitehall Primary School is for all children to develop the knowledge and skills needed to establish and maintain a healthy lifestyle and a life-long love of physical activity. We believe that it is our responsibility to ensure that all children are physically active every day, whether through physical activity, P.E. lessons, break times or extra-curricular activities. We provide opportunities for children to participate in a wide range of physical activities and sports. We see participation in these activities as a way of increasing confidence, self-esteem and improving well-being which are essential for leading a happy and healthy life. We also believe that children should have the opportunity to compete in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities that build character and help to embed values such as team-work, fairness and respect which are skills that we want all our children to develop. At Whitehall we believe that all children have the right to be physically active and develop a love of physical activity regardless of previous experience, additional needs or existing opportunities outside of school.

During the school day the children are taught a variety of sports including basketball, hockey, cricket, tag rugby and swimming (Y4-Y6) at different times in the year. All year groups also have PE lessons inside once a week, following the Real PE scheme of work. This develops children’s basic PE skills and encourages the children to use these skills in games. 

We have also have an extensive range of after-school clubs. We have our popular boys football club for Year 3 and 4 and Year 5 and 6, a brilliant girls' football club, a mixed KS1 football club and our KS2 Athletics club all run by external, highly qualified coaches. 

Our PE curriculum has been designed by Real PE and the PE Hub, and adapted by our teachers and SL in line with the National Curriculum to ensure that children develop physical literacy across the school. Our high quality teaching and learning ensures children receive a broach, holistic approach which aims to develop the ‘whole child’. Our PE curriculum aims to ensure children: have fun and experience success in sport; have the opportunity to participate in P.E at their own level of development; secure and build on a range of skills; develop good sporting attitudes; understand basic rules; experience positive competition; learn in a safe environment; and have a foundation for lifelong physical activity, leaving primary school as physically active.


Pupils should develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They should be able to engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations.

By the end of KS1, all children will be able to:

·       master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities

·       participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending

·       perform dances using simple movement patterns


Pupils should continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. They should enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other. They should develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.

Pupils should be taught to:

-        use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination

-        play competitive games, modified where appropriate [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders and tennis], and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending

-        develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance [for example, through athletics and gymnastics]

-        perform dances using a range of movement patterns

-        take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team

-        compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.

Teachers ensure there is progression in physical literacy by using the Progression documents provided by Real PE and the PE Hub, which set out the objectives taught in each year group. Within each unit, pupils focus on a key ability (creative, cognitive, physical, social, personal, and health and fitness) that they need to successful within PE and Sport across the curriculum and this is threaded throughout the children’s indoor and outdoor sessions.  As well as learning broad range of skills needed to be successful in a variety of sports, children also learn the fundamental movement skills and these built upon in each year group using a coloured system.

Primary PE and Sport Premium from the Government

Purpose of funding:

Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this.


All pupils leaving primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.


To achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport in primary schools.

Indicators of such improvement to include:

There are 5 key indicators that schools should expect to see improvement across:

  • The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5 to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school
  • The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
  • Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
  • Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
  • Increased participation in competitive sport 

Here at Whitehall, we implemented the followed strategy for the 2022/23 academic year that fulfils all these five key indicators. Please click on the document to download as a PDF file.


Please see below for the evidence and impact of previous years' funding allocation.

Primary PE and Sport Premium Report 2023-24

PE_curriculum_map_2022_23.doc .doc
Physical_Education_Policy.docx .docx
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