Welcome to Year 5's class page
Here is where you will find out more about our classes: Olive, Fig and Lime!
Welcome back to school Year 5! We have some fantastic topics to teach you about this year and we cannot wait to see what you think of them.
Please click this link to get to the Year 5 learning page to hear all about what you will be doing during your time in Year 5.
Mrs Ahmed, Ms Whitlock and Mr Heaton
If there are any questions or concerns that you or your child may have, please let us know, perhaps sending a note in with your child or calling the office if you don't see us at drop-off or pick-up time. We want all of the children to have a great year in Year 5 and quickly settle back into school life, so please don't hesitate to come and talk to us!
Olive Class
Class Teacher: Mrs Ahmed |
Fig Class Class Teacher: Ms Whitlock |
Lime Class
Class Teacher: Mr Heaton |
We have four incredible support staff members working in Year 5 who will provide daily classroom support and run targetted interventions: Khalid Arafat Helen Metcalfe Katelyn (Mon/Tues) and Asma Yasmeen (Weds/Thurs/Fri) Year 5 support staff will rotate around classes to ensure we all know each other brilliantly. |
PEChildren will participate in PE both indoors and outdoors each week. Please ensure your child has a full change of clothes suitable for physical exercise and trainers for each PE lesson. School PE kit is available to buy from the school office. Children are expected to dress appropriately for the weather. All long hair must be tied up and earrings removed or covered during all lessons.
Children wear PE kits on the days they have PE. Olive – Wednesday (swimming, starting 8th January), Thursday Indoor (weeks 2, 4 & 6) and Outdoor (weeks 1, 3 & 5) with Future Stars Lime – Wednesday, all afternoon with Future Stars: Indoor and Outdoor. Fig – Monday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor) |
HomeworkSpelling homework will be set each week on a Friday and will be collected the following Friday. The words given will be words that children will have spent time learning during the week. All and any efforts to complete homework will be celebrated! |
ReadingIn Year 5, we love reading and have got some glorious topic books! All children read regularly in school: they read weekly in whole class guided reading, once every 3 weeks one-to-one with an adult and are given opportunities to read independently, often. We also share a class story at the end of every day linked to our topic. We give children opportunities to change books regularly. We encourage children to discover books they enjoy so if your child is a free reader, and is enjoying a particular novel at home, they are welcome to bring it to school to read during the day. |
Welcome to Year 5's class page
Here is where you will find out more about our classes: Olive, Fig and Lime!
Welcome back to school Year 5! We have some fantastic topics to teach you about this year and we cannot wait to see what you think of them.
Please click this link to get to the Year 5 learning page to hear all about what you will be doing during your time in Year 5.
Mrs Ahmed, Ms Whitlock and Mr Heaton
If there are any questions or concerns that you or your child may have, please let us know, perhaps sending a note in with your child or calling the office if you don't see us at drop-off or pick-up time. We want all of the children to have a great year in Year 5 and quickly settle back into school life, so please don't hesitate to come and talk to us!
Olive Class
Class Teacher: Mrs Ahmed |
Fig Class Class Teacher: Ms Whitlock |
Lime Class
Class Teacher: Mr Heaton |
We have four incredible support staff members working in Year 5 who will provide daily classroom support and run targetted interventions: Khalid Arafat Helen Metcalfe Katelyn (Mon/Tues) and Asma Yasmeen (Weds/Thurs/Fri) Year 5 support staff will rotate around classes to ensure we all know each other brilliantly. |
PEChildren will participate in PE both indoors and outdoors each week. Please ensure your child has a full change of clothes suitable for physical exercise and trainers for each PE lesson. School PE kit is available to buy from the school office. Children are expected to dress appropriately for the weather. All long hair must be tied up and earrings removed or covered during all lessons.
Children wear PE kits on the days they have PE. Olive – Wednesday (swimming, starting 8th January), Thursday Indoor (weeks 2, 4 & 6) and Outdoor (weeks 1, 3 & 5) with Future Stars Lime – Wednesday, all afternoon with Future Stars: Indoor and Outdoor. Fig – Monday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor) |
HomeworkSpelling homework will be set each week on a Friday and will be collected the following Friday. The words given will be words that children will have spent time learning during the week. All and any efforts to complete homework will be celebrated! |
ReadingIn Year 5, we love reading and have got some glorious topic books! All children read regularly in school: they read weekly in whole class guided reading, once every 3 weeks one-to-one with an adult and are given opportunities to read independently, often. We also share a class story at the end of every day linked to our topic. We give children opportunities to change books regularly. We encourage children to discover books they enjoy so if your child is a free reader, and is enjoying a particular novel at home, they are welcome to bring it to school to read during the day. |
Welcome to Year 5's class page
Here is where you will find out more about our classes: Olive, Fig and Lime!
Welcome back to school Year 5! We have some fantastic topics to teach you about this year and we cannot wait to see what you think of them.
Please click this link to get to the Year 5 learning page to hear all about what you will be doing during your time in Year 5.
Mrs Ahmed, Ms Whitlock and Mr Heaton
If there are any questions or concerns that you or your child may have, please let us know, perhaps sending a note in with your child or calling the office if you don't see us at drop-off or pick-up time. We want all of the children to have a great year in Year 5 and quickly settle back into school life, so please don't hesitate to come and talk to us!
Olive Class
Class Teacher: Mrs Ahmed |
Fig Class Class Teacher: Ms Whitlock |
Lime Class
Class Teacher: Mr Heaton |
We have four incredible support staff members working in Year 5 who will provide daily classroom support and run targetted interventions: Khalid Arafat Helen Metcalfe Katelyn (Mon/Tues) and Asma Yasmeen (Weds/Thurs/Fri) Year 5 support staff will rotate around classes to ensure we all know each other brilliantly. |
PEChildren will participate in PE both indoors and outdoors each week. Please ensure your child has a full change of clothes suitable for physical exercise and trainers for each PE lesson. School PE kit is available to buy from the school office. Children are expected to dress appropriately for the weather. All long hair must be tied up and earrings removed or covered during all lessons.
Children wear PE kits on the days they have PE. Olive – Wednesday (swimming, starting 8th January), Thursday Indoor (weeks 2, 4 & 6) and Outdoor (weeks 1, 3 & 5) with Future Stars Lime – Wednesday, all afternoon with Future Stars: Indoor and Outdoor. Fig – Monday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor) |
HomeworkSpelling homework will be set each week on a Friday and will be collected the following Friday. The words given will be words that children will have spent time learning during the week. All and any efforts to complete homework will be celebrated! |
ReadingIn Year 5, we love reading and have got some glorious topic books! All children read regularly in school: they read weekly in whole class guided reading, once every 3 weeks one-to-one with an adult and are given opportunities to read independently, often. We also share a class story at the end of every day linked to our topic. We give children opportunities to change books regularly. We encourage children to discover books they enjoy so if your child is a free reader, and is enjoying a particular novel at home, they are welcome to bring it to school to read during the day. |